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Write What You (Don’t) Know with Janice Deal, Sandra Jones, and Katherine Shonk
Dec 05, 2023 1:00PM—4:00PM
Write On, Door County 4210 Juddville Rd. Fish Creek, WI 54212
Cost $60.00
RegisterThe popular adage “write what you know” is solid advice, but it overlooks the richness that fiction writers can bring to their work by exploring the world beyond their own experience. How much should you write from your own life, and how much should you bring in from the outside world? In this workshop, we…
View MoreThe Thin Line: Prose Poems and Flash Fiction with Albert DeGenova (Washington Island Literary Festival)
Sep 22, 2023 1:30PM—3:30PM
Hotel Washington, 354 Range Line Rd., Washington Island, WI 54246
Cost 75.00
Both forms — prose poetry and short short fiction — require close attention to language, imagery, and sound. There are certainly similarities. This workshop will explore the thin line between the two forms with examples and short exercises. Let’s raid the borders of poetry and prose. In flash fiction there are visual immersions, or abstract…
View MoreHOUSE: A Generative Workshop with Lan Samantha Chang (Washington Island Literary Festival)
Sep 22, 2023 1:30PM—3:30PM
Trinity Lutheran Church, 1763 Townline Rd., Washington Island, WI 54246
Cost 75.00
In this workshop, we will explore the relationship between people and houses. How does a house reveal the hopes and disappointments of a human life? How can a house become a source of personal pride, the symbol of a relationship, the focus of a dream, or a memory of the past? What is contained, or…
View MoreUnusual Voices, Odd Perspectives with Shelby Van Pelt (Washington Island Literary Festival)
Sep 22, 2023 10:00AM—12:00PM
Trinity Lutheran Church, 1763 Townline Rd., Washington Island, WI 54246
Cost 75.00
Explore using non-human point of view as a way to comment on humanity in this generative session. We’ll look at a variety of examples of this technique across formats and genres, then try our hand at some fun, bizarre prompts. Suitable for writers of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or anyone who enjoys playing with words.
View MoreWriting the Ordinary: Exploring the “Familiar” Essay with Meghan O’Gieblyn (Washington Island Literary Festival)
Sep 22, 2023 10:00AM—12:00PM
Red Barn, 1474 S. Shore Dr., Washington Island, WI 54246
Cost 75.00
While the market for nonfiction often gives the impression that memoirists and personal essayists must possess extraordinary life experiences, there’s a robust tradition of essayists who find wisdom and unexpected insights in the mundane (sometimes without even leaving the house). This genre, sometimes called the “familiar essay,” stretches back to the origins of the form…
View MoreBOOK SIGNING: Nadine Kenney Johnstone
Jul 19, 2023 4:00PM—5:30PM
Write On, Door County, 4210 Juddville Rd., Fish Creek, WI 54212
Cost Free
Author Nadine Kenney Johnstone signs copies of her latest book, Come Home to Your Heart: A Guided Journal for Harnessing Your Inner Wisdom and Falling Back in Love with Yourself. Copies of the book will be available for sale by the author.
View MoreMicro-Memoir: Tiny True Stories: ONE DAY with Nadine Kenney Johnstone
Jul 19, 2023 1:00PM—4:00PM
Write On, Door County 4210 Juddville Rd. Fish Creek, WI 54212
Cost $60.00
RegisterWe think our lives are interesting, but do readers? How do you make your true story resonate with an audience in 1,000 words or less? In this four-week workshop led by memoirist and personal essayist Nadine Kenney Johnstone, you will learn why it’s crucial for writers to write their truth and make readers care right…
View MoreCoffee and Conversation with Sean Chambers
Jun 06, 2023 10:00AM—11:30AM
Write On, Door County, 4210 Juddville Rd., Fish Creek, WI 54212
Cost Free
Join us for coffee and light refreshments and a conversation with poet-in-residence Sean Chambers about ways your writing is influenced by music. He’ll speak particularly about funk music’s influence on his work. Sean Chambers, MFA, is a writer of creative nonfiction and poetry, and an education leader passionate about the craft of writing, the deconstruction of rhetoric, cross-cultural…
View MoreThomas Davis Publication Reading
May 20, 2023 1:00PM—2:30PM
Novel Bay Booksellers, 44 N. 3rd Ave., Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Cost Free
Write On is pleased to partner with Novel Bay Booksellers to celebrate the publication of The Prophecy of the Wolf, the latest novel by author Thomas Davis. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Thomas Davis has published, in addition to his new novel, The Prophecy of the Wolf, five novels, including In the Unsettled Homeland of Dreams that won the Edna…
View MoreLiam Callanan Reading
Jun 08, 2023 7:00PM—8:30PM
Kress Pavilion 7845 Church St. Egg Harbor, WI 54209
Cost $0.00
Write On is pleased to collaborate with the Friends of Door County Libraries on its successul Book & Author Series, resuming after a long Covid hiatus. Award-winning author Liam Callanan will read from and discuss his latest book, When In Rome. The novel traces the journey of an American real estate agent whose midlife crisis leads…
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