Our passion is providing inspiration to help people write and share their stories.
Together, we offer numerous ways to write and engage with other writing enthusiasts.
Writing Contests & Opportunities
Open to writers working in ekphrasis: writing inspired by visual art.
Write On, Door County is pleased to offer the Dick Scuglik Memorial Residency and Scholarship to a poet or other writer with demonstrated ability and interest in ekphrastic writing. The residency is awarded annually in mid-June.
The selected writer will be paired with a Door County visual artist. The artist and writer will share work with each other. Each will create new work in response to other's work prior to the start of the residency. During the residency, both writer and artist will participate in a public event at which the new work is shared, along with a conversation about the creative process. For 2025, the visual artist is Marc Anderson.
While ekphrastic writing is most common in poetry, Write On welcomes applications from all genres, provided the work sample submitted fits the classification of ekphrasis.
A scholarship fund is available to assist the writer with travel expenses related to the residency. A small stipend and a grocery allowance are also included in the award.
Eligibility Requirements
- The contest is open to both published and unpublished writers.
- Writers must be at least 21 years of age.
- Writers may be currently enrolled in a graduate writing program.
- Writers must have demonstrated ability and interest in ekphrasis.
Submission Requirements
- Submit 10-15 pages of a work sample that demonstrates your ekphrastic writing. Excerpts of longer works are acceptable.
- Include a statement of interest in ekphrastic writing, at least one paragraph but no more than three paragraphs.
- Include a list of publications, if any, highlighting published exphrastic writing.
- Include a one-paragraph biographical statement.
DEADLINE: January 31, 2025
ENTRY FEE: $40.00
To apply for the program, please click here.
A selection committee organized by Write On, Door County nominates a qualified individual to serve as the Door County Poet Laureate. The Door County Board of Supervisors approves the nomination. The appointment of Poet Laureate is two years.
The purpose of the Poet Laureate appointment is to raise the county consciousness to a greater level of appreciation for the reading and writing of poetry and to serve as a literary ambassador to the community. Among the duties of the Poet Laureate are:
- to encourage and support local poets;
- to build a greater audience for poetry through readings and other events;
- to work with community agencies, schools, libraries, senior citizen groups, service clubs, or church societies on readings, workshops, or other events utilizing the talents of area poets or poetry groups.;
- to utilize the media to promote poetry;
- to occasionally compose a commemorative poem for a special Door County occasion if requested by the chair of a Door County governmental unit (and if mutually agreed upon);
- to bring his/her individual talents and strengths to build a personal agenda which will carry out the mission;
- to keep a log or notebook of activities accomplished and publicity about such activities during the term of appointment.
The selection committee ideally consists of the current and at least one past Door County Poet Laureate, a representative of Write On, a county English teacher, a librarian, and an individual representing the community. The committee considers the following criteria when nominating an individual for the post:
- ability to carry out the duties of the position;
- quality of poetry and publication history;
- contributions to the Door County poetry community;
- recognition locally, regionally, and beyond in the poetry community;
- worthiness of the honor of the position of Door County Poet Laureate.
jerod@writeondoorcounty.org | 920.868.1457
Write On, Door County curates and maintains the Poetry Trail at Newport State Park. Up to 16 poems are displayed on 10 permanent stanchions along the Rowleys Bay and Monarch trails. Available year-round, exhibits change quarterly. The works of local writers, Wisconsin poets, and others are displayed. Contributors include school children, published poets, and the poets laureate of Door County and Wisconsin.
The Poetry Trail can be accessed via the Welcome Center parking lot. The trail wanders through a wooded area and out into open land. The ten stanchions along the path allow people an opportunity to experience poetry within the beauty of nature. The trail began in 2010 as a joint project of local poetry groups and the Newport Wilderness Society. Since 2016, the trail has become a program of Write On. Poetry exhibits are scheduled to change quarterly. Newport State Park is located on County NP, east of Highway 42, near Gills Rock. A state park vehicle sticker is required for admission.
Currently on exhibit through January are poems by Write On's new Executive Director Albert DeGenova.
If you would like to volunteer to assist with the Poetry Trail, please contact Jerod Santek by emailing jerod@writeondoorcounty.org or by calling 920.868.1457.
The Door County Published Author Collective (DCPAC) is a networking group for published authors who live in or have significant ties to Door County. The group meets virtually the second Monday of the month, 6 - 7 pm.
For more information, visit their site.
Write On offers an annual year-long mentoring program for women who are interested in writing but have faced barriers that have prevented them from doing so. Led by facilitators who themselves are former participants in the program, the group meets monthly to explore all genres and types of writing. Frequently, our writers-in-residence visit the meetings to talk about their writing lives. Opportunities for other Write On classes and workshops are provided to participants.
Up to 12 women are selected each year for the program. We strive to have a diversity of ages, backgrounds, and life experiences and welcome applications from all. Applicants should be residents of Door County or live close enough to be able to participate fully in the program, which meets in-person once a month. No previous writing experience is necessary. There is no cost to the program.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 program, which will begin on Saturday, February 22. If you are interested, please complete this short survey application.