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Leap into Book Marketing with Annette Grunseth and Tori Grant Welhouse

Feb 15, 2024 7:00PM—8:30PM


Cost $30.00

Learn a handy framework for organizing your book promotion, engaging readers, and getting your book out in the world. After this seminar, you will leave with concrete ideas for creating awareness and community building such as enhancing your website content, publicity, social media sharing, and swag. Takeaways will include a marketing plan template as well…

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Creating a Viable Blog with Constance Malloy

Jan 31, 2024 6:30PM—8:00PM

Online , WI

Cost $30.00

This workshop focuses on establishing a viable blog. Through discussion and prompts, we will hit on the following areas: participants’ interest in beginning a blog or improving an existing blog; participants’ expectations from their blogs; and participants’ target audiences and how to reach them. We will look at realistic and romanticized notions of being a…

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