TALES OF OUR LIVES: Storytelling Event
Jun 18, 2024 6:00PM—7:30PM
Write On, Door County, 4210 Juddville Rd., Fish Creek, WI 54212
Cost Free
Categories Readings
Topics All-Genre Writing
Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month as we present a story telling event with our writers-in-residence. A light reception will follow. Presented in partnership with Open Door Pride and Northern Door Pride.
Dinah Dale is a development professional for progressive political campaigns and nonprofit organizations, and has driven more than $200 million in collective donations for such candidates as the late U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone and Emmy Award-winning writer and former U.S. Senator Al Franken. She lives in Minneapolis with her two sons. While taking online classes at Write On during the pandemic, she began writing creative nonfiction essays and short stories to entertain herself and her family. After earning her BA in Business Admin. and English Literature from William Woods University and JD from Washington University Law School in St. Louis, Dinah began the first phase of her career as a trial lawyer in Little Rock .
Amy Estes is a writer, storyteller, and educator from Sacramento, CA, and a dual-genre MFA candidate in fiction and non-fiction at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Amy’s essay writing has been featured on The Rumpus, Huffington Post, Catapult, and elsewhere. In 2022, she was a curated writer for Corporeal Khôra and her piece, “Won’t Someone Think Of The Women?” was nominated for Best American Essays. Amy’s humor writing has been featured on McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, The Belladonna, Weekly Humorist, and others. In 2022, Amy was selected for the Kenyon Review’s Summer Residential Writers Workshops and served as a Peter Taylor Fellow at the 2023 Kenyon Review Summer Writer’s Workshop. Amy teaches satire writing for the acclaimed Second City, and middle school English.
Julia Nusbaum is a Pushcart nominated writer, editor, and mother living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her work has appeared in Oranges Journal, Mutha Magazine, Moon Cola, The Feminine Collective, and elsewhere. She is the Founder and Editor-In-Chief at HerStry Literary Magazine and a 2024 MFA candidate in creative writing at Columbia College Chicago.