LOCAL AUTHORS DISCUSS: Writing and Publishing Children’s Books
Oct 05, 2024 10:00AM—12:00PM
Write On, Door County, 4210 Juddville Rd., Fish Creek, WI 54212
Cost Free
Categories Community Events
Topics Children's Literature
Write On’s Door County Published Authors Collective (DCPAC) presents the on-going series, Local Authors Discuss, in which writers address a specific genre or theme. Today’s program focuses on writing and publishing books for young readers. Authors Judy DuCharme, J.K. Palmer, and Margaret Ann Philbrick will discuss their creative processes and their paths to publication. The program is free and open to all ages though it is geared towards adults who want to write for children, and not a children’s program. No registration is required. Light refreshments will be available.
Judy DuCharme‘s children’s book, I Want a Water Buffalo for Christmas, was on her mind for years. She started writing it in 2012. Through the years, she tweaked it and tweaked it some more. When she sent it to her publisher, he quickly sent her a contract. Eventually, in 2021, the children’s book so dear to her heart, came to fruition and has gone on to win multiple awards. Judy taught fifth grade in Door County for 22 years and loves the inquisitive minds of young children. I Want a Water Buffalo for Christmas is her eighth book, but her first for children and was written with elementary students in mind.
Judy will discuss the process of traditional publishing, the terrors and errors of editing, research, and finding an illustrator.
Some people describe writing as an arduous, highly disciplined endeavor but not children’s book author J.K. Palmer, who lets her ageless spirit do the writing. Palmer is the author of four books for young readers Elwood the Moose, Gladys Sings, The House that Moved, and her latest compilation Sweet Dreams from Door County. Jamie lives in Sturgeon Bay in a log cabin in the woods.
Jamie will talk about how to create engaging stories and how to publish books without breaking the bank.
Margaret Ann Philbrick has published two children’s books. Her Christmas book, Back to the Manger, was created with her mother. It is now a holiday classic with ten years of consistent sales. In her book Margaret’s Child, she tackled the challenge of properly caring for the hair of her African foster daughter, who grew up in the Philbrick family. Margaret lives in Baileys Harbor with her family, which now includes three adorable grandsons.
Margaret will discuss the benefits and challenges of writing with a partner.