Nov 03, 2024 12:00PM—2:00PM
Cost Free
Categories Family Programs
Bring family and friends for an afternoon of game! Write On has a wide variety of games and puzzles with a literary or word related theme. (Full list of games below.) Drop in at any time! Games are always available to be enjoyed any time the center is open.

CHOOSE FROM THESE GAMES: A Little Wordy * Bananagrams * Classic Paperbacks Memory Game * Four Word Thinking * Great Shakespearan Deaths Card Game * Magnetic Poetry (English and Spanish editions) * Metaphor Dice * Pun Intended * Scrabble (English and Spanish editions) * StoryCubes * Tacocat * The Awkward Storyteller * The Shakespeare Game * Wordoku * Wordsmithery * Writers Game: Classic Authors Edition * Writers Game: Modern Authors Edition