Art/Speaks at Juddville Contemporary Clay Studio Gallery

Sep 01, 2023 11:00AM—12:00PM


Juddville Contemporary Clay Studio Gallery, 8496 State Highway 42, Fish Creek, WI 542122


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Write On, Door County is pleased to partner with Juddville Contemporary Clay Studio Gallery on Art/Speaks, a free writing lab encouraging people to write in response to the images on exhibit. Led by local poets Carrie and Peter Sherrill, these 60-minute writing activities are perfect for both beginning and advanced writers in any genre. Sessions are offered at various galleries around the county, usually on Fridays.

About Art/Speaks:

The practice of using words to comment on a piece of visual art—ekphrasis—is an ancient one. One of the earliest and most commonly cited forms of ekphrasis occurs in The Iliad, when Homer provides a long and discursive account of the elaborate scenes embossed on the shield of Achilles. Contemporary literature provides many fine examples of ekphrastic writing.

Instructors will provide some background and examples of ekphrasis. Participants will be asked to write in response to one of several gallery pieces selected for the program. Following the writing, participants will share their work aloud with other participants.