More Grammar for Writers with Tara DaPra
Sep 16, 2023 11:00AM—12:00PM
Cost $40.00
Categories Adult Classes & Workshops In-Person
As formal grammar instruction has fallen out of fashion, many writers feel unsure of their grammar — or simply never learned the rules. In Session One, we will think about grammar as both “rules” and “tools,” explain the four basic sentence patterns, and address common punctuation foibles. In Session Two, we will review some commonly confused word usages, explain patterns of suspensive and cumulative sentences, and demonstrate how sentence patterns, in conjunction with choices of syntax and diction, create a writer’s voice.
Class meets online via Zoom. A link to join the class will be sent within 24 hours of the session.
Class meets Saturdays, September 9th and 16th, 11 am – noon, Central Time
Class size: There is no maximum limit. Minimum 8.
Member discount: Member of Write On receive a 10% discount on all classes and workshops. To become a member, please click here. To receive the discount, members must log in to the website using their unique password and enter member10 in the promotion code box. The code is case sensitive.

Teaching Artist: Tara DaPra is an Associate Teaching Professor of English and Writing Foundations at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. She’s certain that the process of writing is a great philosophy for most difficult tasks in work and life. She earned an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Her writing has appeared in The Washington Post, Creative Nonfiction, and Inside Higher Education.